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The Phoenix menu system is by far the most powerful
menu system available to sysops anywhere. A proper
understanding of this menu system will allow you to
make your board have its own personality. You may
virtually call any command from any menu and have
as many menus as your memory will allow, up to 25!
You may create your own commands and make them do
almost whatever you want: send any text file to the
user's screen, run online programs, create questionnaires
and "voting booths", place message and files commands
anywhere, create a special new user menu that
will not allow him to enter the regular bbs,
and have user level sensitive bulletins.
At the end of this file is a Quick Reference Chart
listing every Phoenix Menu command and what it means.
In ADVANCED USES AND OPTIONS, we will tell you how to
have your menus look anyway you wish them to and how
to mix ansi color menus and special text menus in with
your Phoenix command menus. Please read
and understand the menu tutorial, and create some menus
to see how they work first, before going on to the
more artistic menus.
Main Menu,main.hlp,n
C,[C]omments to the sysop,,4,S
#,[#] List active users,,4,Y
L,[L]ocate a User,,4,T
I,[I]initial welcome message,welcome1,4,d
N,[N]ews about Phoenix,news,4,d
P,[P]age the Sysop,,4,U
G,[G]oodbye and logoff,,4,G
X,[X]pert toggle,,4,X
!,[!] Change User Status,,4,Z
U,[U]tilities for the Sysop,3,25,z
Above is the MENU0.MNU which we supply. An explanation
of what each type of command does is in the quick
reference. We will cover only the Menu "Syntax",
certain "classes" of menu calls, and the necessary
items to make your Phoenix system the best you can
make it. If you noticed, you actually have up to
26 menus available to you, but only 25 (1 thru 25) are
optional. MENU0.MNU MUST exist or Phoenix will refuse
to run, giving you a message that the menu is missing.
Name your menus like this:
MENUxx.MNU where xx is a menu number from
1 to 25. Do not put leading zeros in the
menu name!
You may define menus that are not in sequential order.
Example: In your system you might want to have
menu0.mnu, menu1.mnu, menu10.mnu, menu15.mnu and
menu21.mnu. You may do so, Phoenix will know what
to do with them.
Phoenix Menu System Plus allows you to create
special menus like Questionnaire menus,
or User level sensitive bulletin menus, or
just about anything. We will give some one line
examples below, but the detailed explanation of
what each menu command field means will be given
in the menu tutorial (see 12.3).
V,[V]oting Booth,10,5,z
this line will call menu10.mnu which, in this
example is dedicated to questionnaires.
Menu10 might contain something like this:
S,[S]urprise questionnaire,surprise,5,q
B,[B]eta tester application,Beta,5,q
M,[M]ovie votes,movies,5,q
Each one of those selections calls a different
B,[B]eta bulletin,beta.txt,17,d
N,[N]ewuser bulletin,new.txt,3,d
C,[C]lub bulletin,club,20,d
R,[R]egular users bulletins,22,10,z
In the first 3 lines, we have a mini level-sensitive
bulletin menu. These will follow the DUMPFILE CLASS
of identifiers which is explained below. The fourth
line calls a regular users bulletin menu (also level
The top line of each menu tells Phoenix what the
name of that menu is, what its associated help file is,
and the MENU ACTIVITY IDENTIFIER which tells Phoenix
how to behave within that menu. This line MUST exist.
In the discussion below, we will expand the menu lines
for clarity, but in real life you MUST NOT PUT SPACES IN.
menu title menu help file activity identifier
---------- -------------- -------------------
Main Menu , main.hlp , n
The menu title is the name of the menu that Phoenix will
send to the user along with a line known as a "command line".
You may name this anything you wish, like "Voting Booth",
"Games", "Messages", etc (with or without the quotes). You
should pick a title that is descriptive with what commands
the menu has in it. In this case, Main Menu, or Menu0.mnu
is the menu that Phoenix will look for to send the user
right after login is completed. Only menu0 will be looked
for after login. To get to another menu from this one
you must call it. More on that later.
The menu help file is a text file that lists the
commands in that menu and what they do. We supply help
files for the menus that you received in the distribution
archive. You may create your own help file and place
the name of the file in the MENU HELP FILE field and
wherever help is requested, that file will be dumped
to the user's screen.
The activity identifier tells Phoenix whether this menu
will display the user's current message board selection and
check for his mail, or what his current files area is,
or both or neither.
ONLY the following identifiers are allowed here:
m : Check for user's mail and display his current
message board selection when entering this menu.
Also, when entering a "message class" menu with
this ID, a file called MSGMSG.* (.bbs/.clr) will
be looked for and if present sent to the user
only once per login.
f : Display the user's current files area selection
while in this menu. Display the file FILEMSG.*.
This file follows the same rules as msgmsg.* above.
b : Behave as in BOTH above and display both message
board and files area selections while in this
n : Do not display EITHER of the message or files
area selections while in this menu.
You may, of course place any message or files command
in any menu with, or without, displaying the current
message base or files area. These are recommended wherever
you place message or files commands simply for the
user's convenience. Otherwise, he will not know what
his current area is.
You may have the following maximum characters per field:
menu title menu help file activity identifier
20 , 12 , 1
Don't forget to count any spaces you may have in the
menu title! The menu help file must follow DOS file
naming conventions which are a maximum of 8 characters
for the first name, a period "." and a maximum of 3
characters for the extension. The 12 character field
allows for a complete dos filename like:
12345678.123 or Phoenix1.bbs
Only ONE character is allowed as the identifier and
may ONLY BE ONE of "m,f,b,n". NO other identifiers
will be allowed.
There must only be ONE comma separating the fields, so
again, your menu top line should look something like this:
Special Menu,special.hlp,n
The menu help file is optional, so if you do not want a
help file, do this:
Special Menu,,n
This tells Phoenix that the help file field is blank.
In this case, do NOT place a space in the help file field!
must exist!
If, after running Phoenix, you want to change a menu,
you MUST quit Phoenix with the F10 key after logging off
and bring Phoenix back up in order for the new menu change
to be loaded into memory.
Each Phoenix command menu (.mnu file) may have any number of
command lines. However, remember that Phoenix formats
these commandlines two per line when in use. Full screen
mode has 23 lines, and Window mode has 18 lines available
per screen, so being practical, you should limit yourself
to 40 commands per menu (20 lines) if in full screen mode
and 30 commands per menu (15 lines) if in window mode.
This will allow for any message or files area messages
plus the commandline.
If more than this number of commands are used, the
top commands will scroll off the screen. Simplicity is
usually the best way, so you are better off using more
menus and less commands per menu, but, you may place
every Phoenix command into menu0.mnu and have a
Pc-Board style menu if you wish. To fit more than 40
commands per menu on one screen, see advanced uses and
THE COMMAND LINES consist of the following fields.
user command,description,menu number,security level,cci
user command,description,runfile,security level,cci
Note that the only place the fields differ is in the
runfile / menu number field.
Before we discuss command calls, we should tell you
how to call another menu. The command line for
menu calls is very clear.
user command,description,menu number,security level,cci
USER COMMAND field is the one character entry that
the user must press to activate the command.
DESCRIPTION tells the user what the command will do.
You have up to 35 characters to tell him.
MENU NUMBER is the menu number of the menu you are calling.
In this example we will call menu 6. Simply
place a 6 in the menu number field, and create
a menu called menu6.mnu.
SECURITY LEVEL is the minimum user level a user must have
in order to even see this command line!
In this example the security level is 10.
CCI Is the command identifier used within Phoenix.
This tells Phoenix what to do when the
user command key is pressed.
It means Constant Command Identifier.
These are constants within Phoenix,
and all command identifiers are
listed in the quick reference. To call another
menu, you must use a lower case "z". Upper and
lower case letters are unique and
mean different things to Phoenix.
Lets build the command line to call a menu.
user command,description,menu number,security level,cci
O,[O]nline Programs,6,10,z
The user with a minimum security level 10 will see:
[O]nline Programs
Pressing the O will tell Phoenix to activate menu # 6.
IMPORTANT to note here is that the quit to calling menu
command is a menu call! So, if the online example above
was in menu0.mnu, the following should be in menu6.mnu
or else the user will not be able to get back to menu0!
You may create 'dead end' menus if you wish, but........
The quit command in menu 6 should look like this:
Q,[Q]uit to Main Menu,0,4,z
M,[M]ain Menu,0,4,z
Again, the maximum number of characters allowed are:
user command,description,menu number,security level,cci
1 35 2 4 1
Remember that security level maximum is 9999 and menu
number maximum is 25.
user command,description,runfile,security level,cci
Each field follows the rules described in Menu Calls,
with the exception of the RUNFILE field (menu number field
in the above discussion).
In command call class, the runfile field may have up to
35 characters and may contain a path as well. As the
name suggests, you place the name of a file there for
Phoenix to act on. What Phoenix does with this file will
depend on what CCI is in the cci field.
This will be the most used command class.
You may place as many dumpfile class commands into
the menu system as you wish. It displays
the contents of a text file to the user. The intelligence
for .BBS/.CLR extension decisions is in this routine that
a LOWER CASE "d" activates. There are many examples of
dumpfile class calls in the 4 menus we supply. Please
study them. One very familiar command is:
I,[I]nitial Welcome message,WELCOME1,5,d
The maximum number of characters allowed per field are:
user command,description,runfile,security level,cci
1 35 35 4 1
If your display file will follow the .bbs/.clr rules
(.bbs for regular text, .clr for ansi) place only
the FIRST NAME of the file in the runfile area.
Phoenix will determine which file to look for and send.
If the .clr file should be sent and it does not exist,
then the .bbs file will be sent.
You may place an extension on the filename, but that
will bypass the .bbs/.clr logic inside Phoenix and the
file will be treated as a text file only and only an
exact match to the specified filename will be displayed.
If you wish to display a file that has no extension, you
simply place a period "." after the filename. Example:
This will display the file GAMEDOC (with no extension).
Note that we used all caps only for clarity. You may
use lower case for the filename. Again, to follow the
.bbs/.clr rules for your file, place the name of the
file in the runfile area with no extension or period,
and be sure your file has at least the .bbs extension
on the disk.
Only the user command must be different within any
menu, ALL commands to send a file to the user must be
of dumpfile class with a lower case "d".
The exception to
this rule is when you wish to send the help file associated
with the menu listed on the top line. In that case, the
CCI will be a "?". Phoenix will know what to do once the
"?" cci is activated. For a help command that sends the
menu help file, use NO filename within the command line,
will send the menu help file when the "H" command is
You may create as many questionnaires within the
Phoenix Menu System Plus as you wish. The CCI to
activate the questionnaire routine is lower case "q".
Place the first name only of your questionnaire into
the runfile field with NO period ".". Example:
N,[N]ewuser questionnaire,NEWUSER,4,q
This will activate the questionnaire command file
on your disk called NEWUSER.QST. Notice that Phoenix
will add the .QST extension whenever a "q" cci
is activated. The corresponding answers file will be
the first name plus .ANS, so, in this case, the
answers file will be NEWUSER.ANS. Phoenix will create
or append the file as necessary. There will NEVER be
a mix-up between newuser.bbs and newuser.qst because
different CCI's activate different routines which will
look for different file extensions. "d" will look for
.bbs/.clr, or the exact filename, while "q" will
ALWAYS look for a .qst extension.
Shell programs or Online programs may be run
directly from Phoenix using this class. The CCI is
a lower case "s". Please see the chapter ONLINE
PROGRAMS EXPLAINED for a complete tutorial on how
to use executable programs within the Phoenix
environment. This is a very informative tutorial
written by Jim Hood. We feel that Jim's knowledge
of shelled programs qualifies him as one of the
nation's leading experts on running programs
remotely. When shelling a program be sure to use
the ENTIRE filename (go.bat, adventure.exe, chkdsk.com).
User level sensitive bulletins are possible by simply
calling a menu designated as a bulletin menu, and
using the dumpfile class cci. However, Phoenix takes
this one step further. You may tell Phoenix (in CONFIG)
that you wish to dump one of these special bulletin
menus during the login process instead of the regular
bulletin system. Some special CCI's become activated
when this is declared and are active only while the
special bulletin system is invoked. As soon as the user
quits to the main menu, these special CCI's are
no longer active. They are:
description cci
Standard Bulletin menu *
Exit bulletin menu and
continue with login e LOWER CASE ONLY
When a menu is used in this manner as a special
bulletin menu dumped at login, the user`s EXPERT
level will be saved and changed to 0 (novice)
so he will see the menu selections,
until the user quits this menu and continues
with the login sequence. Also note
that you may call any of the other menus from this one
so you may have almost unlimited number of level sensitive
bulletins. Be sure to allow for a list menu command
and a quit to main menu command.
ONLY the below cci's will be active in ANY menu
called from the special bulletin menu
until the login sequence is completed and menu0 is
REFERENCE for bulletins only:
---------------- ---
Quit to calling menu z CALL ANOTHER MENU
List z call the same menu
= Standard Bulletin menu *
= Exit bulletin menu and
continue with login e LOWER CASE ONLY
NONE of the others listed in the quick reference will work here,
and to continue, you must use the "e" CCI. Calling menu0 will do no good
since only dumpfiles, questionnaires, goodbye and call another menu
will be valid until a "bulletin menu" activates the "e" CCI.
note that the = marked classes can only be active when the menu is
called in place of the standard bulletins on login. They are
inactive after the user hits the main menu by the "e" cci.
The "*" will allow you to call the standard BULLETIN.*
bulletin system. The "Enter to continue" prompt in the
standard system will return you to the calling bulletin
menu only and will not continue with the login when
CONFIG is told to use special bulletin menus. This changes
to another cci when used within the regular Phoenix menu
There is an interesting side-effect to using this
special bulletin menu system. Remember that
you may have a restriction level system which
will put the user into comments, questionnaire, or
nothing and will log him off immediately after, without
entering him into the user log. You may also create
a very restricting menu system which will not allow
the new user to enter the bbs, but will allow
him to do whatever you let him within the confines
of the special bulletin system. After he logs off,
he will be placed into the user log, so the next
time he calls, after you upgrade his security level,
he will have access to the main system. A skeleton
menu system which will allow this is shown below.
sample special bulletin menu7:
N,[N]ew user menu,9,3,z
S,[S]tandard bulletins,,10,*
Q,[Q]uit to main menu,,10,e
assume regular user level of 10 and new user of 3.
Notice that the only command the new user will
see is the new user menu command! He will have no
choice besides disconnecting. Regular users will see
all the commands listed above and may select a special
user level sensitive bulletin menu or the standard
bulletins, or quit to continue login. We will deal only
with new user level here. He selects "N" which is his
only choice. This calls menu9 which could have in it:
N,[N]ew user information,INFO,3,d
1,[1] Quit to previous menu,7,10,z
2,[2] Continue with login,,10,e
Now the new user has 3 selections he sees. He must
answer a questionnaire, read new user info, or
log off. The other two commands should be placed
there so if a regular level user gets curious, he
can get out without saying goodbye.
This type of restricted system differs in that
it will allow the new user to read bulletins
if you wish, answer a questionnaire and log off
and Phoenix will enter him into the users log.
With the standard restriction levels of 1,2,3
defined in CONFIG, the user will automatically
get logged off without getting any bulletin
menu, may be allowed a questionnaire or comment
depending on system restriction level, and
will not be placed into the users log. If you
wish to enter a new user into the system with
one of these restriction levels, you must take
Phoenix down with the F10 key, and bring it back
up with a 0 command line parameter like:
phoenix 0
and this will remove the restrictions so you
may enter the new users. Be sure when you do this
that you re-run Phoenix without the 0 or else
you will have a public system!
The above described special menu suggestion is
a convenient alternative to the restricted system
as defined in CONFIG. The new user cannot enter
the main bbs if set up in this way. However, only
the restriction level 3 will not allow the new user
any time on the system.
Remember that upper and lower case are different and call
different routines within Phoenix even if the letter is
the same.
'A': Change Message Board
This is the 'C' command in the message menu we supply
which will allow the user to list available boards
and change into those areas. Included in this selection
is the 'all messages' selection.
'B': Enter a Message
Just what it implies, This cci allows you to enter
a message and save it into the message system.
'C': Text Search in Messages
This will look for a word or string of words for a match
in the subject or to:/from: fields.
'D': Kill a Message
You may delete a message by specifying a message number
without actually looking at the message. Another kill command
is offered in the commandline under the message when you
read it.
'E': List Your Mail
This will check all of your mail from message #1 to the end
of the messages and tell you what ones are for you and what
ones you left.
'F': Fast Scan Messages
This does a short listing of the subject field of all
messages in the system that the user has access to.
'H': Read Messages
Just what it implies, it allows you to read the messages
in the message system.
'I': Scan Messages
This does a long scan, and lists the complete message
header with date, to, from, subject for every message
in the system that the user is allowed to see. In special
areas which do not show names, this will also not show
the names.
'J': Download Files
This activates the download system and allows a user to
download files.
'K': Upload Files
This activates the upload files system.
'L': List Files
Will list the current area files.bbs or files.clr.
'M': Change Files Area
This will list the available files areas to the user and
allow him to change areas.
'N': File Statistics
Displays user's upload and download statistics and shows
the amount of free space on the current upload drive.
'O': New Files
Will search the files system for any new files added to
the system since the user's last login or from a certain
date the user enters. A complete listing can be generated
simply by entering 01-01-80 as a date.
'P': Search for a File
This will search the files system for a match of a name or
part of a name. It only looks in the files.* and not to the
actual disk directory, and like any other listing or search
command, will show the user only areas he has access to.
'V': View Contents of an Archive file
Allows you to view the contents (arc directory) of an
.ARC file.
'R': Standard Bulletins
Activates the standard bulletin system using BULLETIN.* as
the menu listing.
'S': Leave a Comment
Will allow a user to leave a message automatically saved to
area #1 as a special private message to you. It will be
'tagged' with a COMMENT flag. NO ONE but you and those you
give specific permission, will be able to read it.
'T': Locate a User
Will search for a user by name and if found, will tell
the user that this name is a valid user and display the
last time he was on the system.
'U': Page the Sysop
If the page flag is on, this will allow a user to page you.
If the bell flag is on, it will also signal you with a series
of tones.
'W': System Statistics
Gives caller the start date and number of users on the system.
'Z': Change Your User Stats
Allows the user to change some of his entries in the
user record - Password, lines per page, etc. and will display
other information about him that he may not change.
'?': Help
Displays the menu top line MENU HELP FILENAME. If it is not
present,it will return 'Sorry help is not available'.
'q': Questionnaires
Executes a questionnaire script file.
'd': Dump a text file
Displays any text file or ansi file. Example is welcome1.*
's': Shell a program
Allows running another program from within Phoenix. Also
called ONLINE programs.
'G': GoodBye
Activates the goodbye.* file and logs user off the system.
'X': Xpert Toggle
Changes his expert mode which affects the menu prompt.
'z': Call another Menu
Will allow you to call another menu within the system.
'e': exit to system menu
(special bulletin menu call only)
Will allow a continuation of the login process after bulletins
are dumped when a special bulletin menu is used. This is NOT
active after entering the main menu.
'*': Read Standard Bulletins
(special bulletin menu call only)
Activates the standard bulletin system using bulletin.* only
from within special bulletin menus. Not active after entering
main menu.
'a': List Active Events (sysop stuff)
Will display your event entries.
'b': Change Events
Allows you to create events.
'c': Update Events
Allows you to enable a disabled event, disable an event
or remove an event permanently.
'f': Modify Users Log
This will enter the users log, display all the users info
to you and allow you to change many things within his record.
'g': Dump Callers Log
Displays the callers.log in 'last-first' order. This is
a special command. The callers.log should never be used
in a dumpfile class command (d) as the file is not a text file.
'h': Users Pack
Removes deleted records from users.bbs and allows you to
make decisions about automatically deleting users who
are below a certain user level, or users who have not
called within a certain time period. Removing records tightens
up the file and makes it smaller.
'i': message pack
Removes deleted messages and tightens up the file. Also it
tracks all users' last message read number and adjusts it
to the new message number after packing.
'j': Update Files System
This utility lets you create, modify or delete files
areas. You may also password protect areas. It contains a
remove area utility and packing command to keep the
file small.
'k': Erase callers log
Will delete callers.log and create a new one.
'l': Print Users Log
Print users log to printer. Select one or all to print.
'm': Remote Drop To DOS
Allows remote sysop level users to drop to dos and have
full access to your disk system. Unless you have a driver
like IBMAUX installed, you will not see what the user is
doing until he returns to Phoenix.
'u': Update Message System
Offers much of the same as update files system but is for
message system. Passwords do not apply in messages.
EVERY collie command cci is listed below. Please note that upper and lower
case are VERY DIFFERENT and are NOT interchangable!
'A': Change Message Board (message stuff)
'B': Enter a Message
'C': Text Search in Messages
'D': Kill a Message
'E': List Your Mail
'F': Fast Scan Messages
'H': Read Messages
'I': Scan Messages
(files stuff)
'J': Download Files
'K': Upload Files
'L': List Files (list current area files.bbs or files.clr)
'M': Change Files Area
'N': File Statistics
'O': New Files
'P': Search for a File (match a filename)
'V': View Contents of an Archive file
(main menu stuff)
'R': Standard Bulletins (as called from main menu)
'S': Leave a Comment
'T': Locate a User
'U': Page the Sysop
'W': System Statistics
'Z': Change Your User Stats ('!' command in main menu)
'?': Help (display menu top line help file)
= 'q': Questionnaires (executes a questionnaire file)
= 'd': Dump a text file (display a file)
's': Shell a program (online program)
= 'G': GoodBye
'X': Xpert Toggle
= 'z': Call another Menu
=> 'e': exit to system menu (special bulletin menu call only)
=> '*': Read Standard Bulletins (special bulletin menu call only)
'a': List Active Events (sysop stuff)
'b': Change Events
'c': Update Events
'f': Modify Users Log
'g': Dump Callers Log
'h': Users Pack
'i': message pack
'j': Update Files System (sysop '6' command)
'k': Erase callers log
'l': Print Users Log
'm': Remote Drop To DOS (sysop 'D' command)
'u': Update Message System (sysop '4' command)
ANY cci is usable in any menu with the exception of any menus
defined to be used in the special bulletin system. Then ONLY
the cci's marked with a "=" are active. Those marked with "=>"
are special bulletin menu calls and are inactive within the normal
Phoenix menu system. An "R" is used to
call standard bulletins from within the regular menu system.
Study this tutorial carefully, and create some experimental menus
to learn first hand what Phoenix is capable of. When you are
confident that you know how to create menus, then read the
advanced options section to discover how to create your own
unique look text menus and ansi color menus.